Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Just who is Ms. Jackson?

I believe both of these musical compositions about "Ms. Jackson" are  good examples of symbolic interaction. Ms Jackson is a perception, and label in my mind. Ms. Jackson is an influential perception, and label.

In the case of Outkast's Ms Jackson, I think it is trying to show the other side of single mother hood, the struggles of the father who works, supports his children though child support, can barely take care of his self, yet still is looked down on by the mother who may or may not be caring for the child in the best ways, her family, and society.

On the other hand, Panic at the Disco's Ms. Jackson , to me is all about Ms. Jackson- the addiction. Addictions that range from smoking, drug use, sex,  gambling or alcoholism. 

Either way, I like these songs, Enjoy!

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